Dog Training
Have you had enough of your dog not coming back to you when called?
Are you fed up with them pulling on the lead?
We provide Dog Training in obedience commands to help you get the dog you & your family deserve. Dog Training should be enjoyable for both you and your dog. That’s why Bow-wows & Meows provides a simple, easy to understand, one-to-one dog training service specifically designed to give you and your family a more enjoyable dog to be around.
We teach basic dog training obedience commands (sit, stay, down, recall, heel etc) aimed at helping you have a better relationship with your dog. We can also offer training to help prevent such common problems as pulling on the lead, jumping up at people and not coming back when called. The training is designed to provide people with the appropriate methods to enable them to teach their dogs’ obedience commands themselves. Alternatively, if you prefer, Bow-wows & Meows can personally train the dog for the owner.
Please contact us for further details.